As we drove through the Yukon we had an unwanted friend arrive again. Our tire that was patched in Montana decided it needed some attention again. It presented itself as a slow leak and we spent our time looking for gas stations (which are few and far between) that had an air pump. We were able to nurse the tire to each station to refill and then into Beaver Creek. Adam had hoped we could make it to Fairbanks before it needed attention, but upon wake up on our final day in the Yukon the tire was flat. Again.
Adam inquired at our hotel about where to get it repaired, and the hotel called Pete. Pete showed up within minutes, took the tire, and told Adam he'd be back in 10 to 15 minutes. A man of his word, Pete showed up with our tire; shiny clean and full of air. Refusing any payment he wished us safe travels, said "God Bless," and drove off.
On this trip, along with the family bonding and beautiful scenery we have been most impressed with the kindness of the people we have met on our journey. It is amazing how a friendly smile and conversation with a clerk in a Montana grocery store, the park ranger who hands out coloring books, and a Canadian who fixes tires at no charge can change your attitude and perspective.
At times, we, as a population, are overwhelmed by the negativity and the cruelty of the human race. However; kindness, humanity, and genuine individuals can be found. I am so glad that we were able to interact with so many new and interesting people the last few days. I hope my children have witnessed how easy it is to be kind and how far a smile can take you.
And that tire? It's still rolling.
Thanks, Pete!
LOVE this post!!! You are right on!