Friday, August 2, 2013

What's That Smell? {Homemade Carpet Refresher}

The owners of the house we are living in had dogs.  We were told they had the carpets cleaned before we moved in, but I can still smell that odor that buries itself deep in your carpets.  At night, when I lay in bed, I swear someone's stinky shoes have been hanging out near my pillow.  So after playing on the floor with my kids and taking a big old whiff of my carpet, I decided to do something about it.

My three year old is newly potty trained and because of this there were other smells around my home that needed my attention, so today was dedicated as a stay at home in your grubby clothes cleaning day; so running to the store to rent a steam cleaner was not going to happen.  I decided to make a carpet refresher on my own.  This recipe is SO simple and has no scary chemicals in it.

I dumped a container of Christmas sprinkles in a plastic food storage container, ran it through the dishwasher, and filled it up with my concoction.

½ Cup Baking Soda
20 – 40 Drops of Essential Oil (I used Sweet Orange)

Mix the oil with the baking soda.  If you can let it sit for a few hours before you use it the scent will permeate the baking soda even more. Transfer to a container with holes in the lid, a Parmesan cheese container would work well.

TO USE:  Sprinkle over offending carpet and let sit for a 10-15 minutes.  Have a dance party on top of it, to really smash it in.  Vacuum as usual.  (I wouldn't leave your refresher on longer than 15 minutes, some say it can be photosensitive and discolor things, although I have never had that trouble). 

Baking soda is natural order absorber and the oils will leave a lovely scent in your home.  Many larger markets like Whole Foods carry oils but there are many online stores where you can order from, as well.  Mountain Rose Herbs, is one of my favorites.


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