Monday, July 22, 2013


It took two Sundays, a little ingenuity, and a some heavy duty supplies but we now have every Ninja-In-Training's dream in our front yard.  A ZIP LINE!

 When we moved into this house we knew the boys would be in heaven with the space they would have in our yard.  And for some reason Adam thought they would need a zip line to add to the fun.  Well once that promise was made to Jack, he wouldn't rest until it was fulfilled.  So one Saturday night, Adam told Jack when he got up the next morning to come wake him up and they would go out and build the zip line.  Little did Adam suspect that Jack would come tapping on his forehead at 4:30 in the morning.  "Hey Dad, let's go out and build the zip line."  Adam was able to sneak in a couple more hours by giving Jack free reign of the Kindle down on the couch.

Adam's first attempt at the zip line included a heavy duty line.  However, the line just couldn't be tied tight enough to withstand the weight of our Ninja-In-Training (N.I.T.).  I learned a new word, Adam called this curvature of the rope catenary, did you know that?

So a quick run to Spenard Builders Supply and Adam had the necessary supplies to build a sturdy and safe zip line.

Zip line supplies

 Nolan was quite the assistant in the process, using his trusty sword to clear the brush in the pathway.   However, he did have to test out his ability to walk on the steal cable without losing his balance.  Well done, Nolan! 

Once the steel cable was installed and tightened our N.I.T. gave it a test run.  We were pretty impressed with his arm strength.  He loved it, but for safety's sake a swing seat was next on the agenda.

With the swing installed and a ladder attached to the tree, Jack was ready for take off.  Notice the helmet?  Our boy will play in the sandbox wearing his helmet.  Safety first.

 Nolan doesn't need zip lines.  Just his sword, long grass, and an imagination.  I'm pretty sure he was looking for snakes in this picture.  Thankfully there are NO snakes in Alaska.  Bears on the other hand...

 I'd say the zip line is a success.  He can get on himself, pull the seat back up to the start himself, and have hours of Ninja Training.

However, we did have to set a few rules in regards to playing on the zip line.  The most important one, you ask?  Don't stand in the way of the person on the zip line or you may end up on your back.


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